This unit is an introduction to fundamentals of computer organization: roles of processors, main memory, and input/output devices. The concept of programs as sequences of machine instructions is explained. Machine language and assembly language and their relationship with high-level compiled languages is discussed. Number representation is introduced and the discussion centres on how different types of data may be represented inside a computer. Arithmetic and logical operations with integer operands. Understanding floating-point number systems and operations. Memory organization, including cache structures and virtual memory schemes. Machine representation of instructions and data, addressing techniques, memory organization, and execution of instructions at machine level. A brief introduction to operating systems and their operations is presented. How the various computer components process the data is explained. How the operating system and the hardware cooperate to make computer operations possible and efficient. The problem of resources allocation is discussed.

The subject also includes discussion of the basics of digital logic including the major logical gates and logical circuits.

This unit deals with the concept of information, media, and its many forms. Topics discussed include definition of information and knowledge and their characteristics. Temporal and non-temporal information. Non-temporal information includes linear and non-linear text; linear text without form, sequence of characters, ASCII, ISO character sets, character sets for LOTE; Text with form, need to store content and form both. Presentation, fonts, device independent fonts, storage and printing of fonts, geometric descriptions of fonts, kerning. Non-linear form of text: hypertext, representation of hypertext and the web. Operations on text including retrieval, character and string operations, editing, formatting, pattern-matching, and searching, spell checking, style checking, compression, and encryption.

Image as a two-dimensional array of pixels, monochrome, grey and colour images; colour models, representation of images. Operations on images: editing, point operations, filtering, compositing, geometric transformations, conversions, and compression. Sound, music, videos, and movies. Properties of devices like iPod, iPhone, iPad, iWatch and other similar devices.

This subject introduces problem solving in computing and helps students develop confidence and competence in it. The process of Polya’s problem solving cycle involves the following four steps: Understanding (to fully comprehend the problem), Designing (using any related or similar problems that have already been solved as well as checking the sample inputs and expected outputs), Writing (to write the solution as a step-by-step algorithm using an appropriate language) and Reviewing (to look back at the finished solution). The idea of an algorithm as a step-by-step description of a problem solution is emphasised. Decomposing a complex problem into several simpler problems is discussed. Refining a developed algorithm and implementing it is explained.

This subject introduces fundamental concepts of statistics and quantitative methods. It provides students with opportunities to gain skills in the presentation of business and economic data, the use of frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, principles of probability, use of probability distributions, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and the use of forecasting methods. The subject requires no previous background in statistics. The students will be using MS Excel spreadsheet and simple statistical software to carry out basic statistical analysis.